World of Darkness: Crimson Thaw is out now!


Vault Comics return with the new comic book event set in the World of Darkness, combining the lore of Vampire: The Masquerade with Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Find the exclusive previews of the first issue here!

Just like with previous series, Winter’s Teeth, Crimson Thaw issues are going to contain additional roleplaying content you can use at your tables. The first issue contains a description of Werewolf: The Apocalypse world that introduces readers to the 5th Edition of the setting.

With fans of the setting waiting for Werewolf updates, Month of Darkness is going to reveal even more – with our brand update containing information about Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition development and another World of Darkness setting to be revealed tomorrow (Thursday 14th). Make sure to tune in to World of Darkness News stream!

Writers: Tini Howard, Blake Howard, Jim Zub, Tim Seeley, Danny Lore
Artist: Julius Ohta
Colorist: Addison Duke
Letterer: Andworld
Cover Art: Aaron Campbell

Warning: description below contains spoilers for Winter’s Teeth comic series

Cecily Bain has become everything she never wanted as The Prince of the Twin Cities. But her rule over a fractured, backbiting vampire court is interrupted by an intruder-something big, hairy and full of teeth. Good. She was missing a good scrape. There’s worse living in the shadows than vampires. Rip open the doors to the World of Darkness as RPG-comic-king Jim Zub joins the writing team that brought you Vampire: The Masquerade, Winter’s Teeth for this oversized issue events series!

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